News of the apparition soon spread to the different parts of the country. People started flocking the monastery grounds even while the Chapel of the monastery was still being built. Lipa City soon received so many visitors from all over the country that during those times created traffic on roads leading to the monastery. Some were expecting to somehow experience and see showers of petals which they heard accompanied the apparitions of the Blessed Mother to a young nun inside the monastery. To some, their wish was granted. Even Mrs. Aurora Quezon (the wife of the late President of the Republic of Philippines, Manuel Luis Quezon) visited the place and got a petal that fell right in front of her.

News traveled outside the country and not surprisingly to the U.S. who fought hand in hand with the Filipinos against the Japanese in WWII. The Lady of Lipa image was also received with much enthusiasm in New York, USA. Here we see that the love for the Blessed Mother knows no boundary. News of the Blessed Mother’s apparition, though were not yet approved by the Church, was gladly accepted by people who long for the maternal protection and aid of the Mother of God.
With the news travelling speedily and widely, stories of healing and answered prayers abound. It was a post-war era when people still welcomes anything they can hold on to due to the many hardships brought by the recently concluded World War II. Filipinos are typically matriarchal and easily tend to be devoted to the Mother of God who offers comfort, help, and maternal protection. People with small, great, and dire needs run to this Mother for help.