Miraculous Healings

Many have been written and recorded about the stories of healing, conversion, and answered prayers of people and devotees who asked for help and intercessions of Our Lady Mary Mediatrix of All Grace whom they came to know through this Lipa phenomenon. In this post, we will only present to you two of the greatest recorded stories of healing.

One of the miraculous healing is that of Sr. Melania Sunga who was born on December 31, 1941 with a club foot and could never walk without limping. Her mother applied to her feet the water from Lipa Carmel. The said water was placed overnight beside the statue of the Blessed Mother carved in the image of the visions of Our Lady to Sr. Teresita. It was brought to them sometime in 1949 by the then seminarian Bishop Edmundo Abaya of Ilocos Sur who happened to be her mother’s cousin and was studying at that time at the University of Santo Tomas Seminary. The water was applied to the 8-year-old Sr. Melania while her mother was saying the Tagalog novena prayers to Our Lady Mary Mediatrix of All Grace. On the morning of the 9th day of the novena, everybody was surprised to see her walking straight.

Another miraculous healing is that of Mrs. Ma. Socorro Mendoza Dichoso, who was born on December 28, 1948, with a seemingly open hole on her head. Her father Dr. Telesforo Mendoza,  a doctor in UST Hospital saw no hope but to bring his daughter to the US for immediate operation. The mother, Mrs. Rosario Cosme Mendoza was not discouraged, however, and went on pilgrimage to Lipa Carmel. She was given a rose petal by the nuns. Mrs. Mendoza made a novena to Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Grace, and then applied the petal on the child’s head. On January 28, 1949 (the fourth day of the novena) the father noticed that the tumor on the baby’s head disappeared and the hole closed with a formation of callus around its border. This healing was confirmed by x-rays before and after the cure.

These were only two of the many known stories of intercessions of Our Lady Mary Mediatrix of All Grace that happened closest to the time of the apparition. You may also find these two stories of healing in our Videos section. We hope to be able to post here more of the stories of the mediation of the Lady at Lipa. Do visit us in the future.