For those who do not know yet, the Lipa apparitions began on September 12, 1948, when a 21-year-old postulant named Sr. Teresita began to have visions of Mary in the garden of Lipa Carmel Monastery in Batangas, Philippines. Mary is said to have appeared to her on a cloud, dressed in simple white robe with a small belt and a golden Rosary hanging on her right hand.

Our Lady appeared to Sr. Teresita for 15 consecutive days in the garden and gave her messages about loving one another, simplicity, humility, obedience, penance and sacrifices, prayers for the priests and religious, and to pray the Rosary every day with devotion. Our Lady also reminded us that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, pointing us all to go to or return to Jesus.
In addition to the apparitions, there were also showers of rose petals and some, later on, were found to have imprints of religious images.
On the last day of the apparition, Our Lady said: “I AM MARY, MEDIATRIX OF ALL GRACE.” The ALL GRACE is Jesus. Mary is our Mediatrix to Jesus, her Son.