Commentary on the Presumed Marian Apparitions in Lipa by Fr. Jose Francisco Syquia

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Published in “Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas”, Vol XCIII, NOS 927 and 928, is Fr. Jose Francisco “Jocis” Syquia’s interpretation of the PROT.N. 226/1949 (July-October 2017 issue) particularly the clause:  “the phenomenon in Lipa was declared to lack supernatural origin.” As an exorcist priest and with his knowledge and office in exorcism, Fr. Jocis published his commentaries in “Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas”, talked about it over the radio and some other speaking engagements and conferences which have somehow troubled may of the devotees, some even left the devotion and belief to the Mediatrix of All Grace and Lipa Apparition. Very few people tried to dispute the words of the exorcist priests against the devotion to and the image of Our Lady Mary Mediatrix of All Grace. However, many were steadfast to hold on to what they know of the visionary Teresita “Teresing” Castillo and their personal experiences of the intercessions of Our Lady Mary Mediatrix of All Grace. Noteworthy is the fact that not one of the exorcist priests who accused Teresita Castillo as possessed have not even interviewed her or come to talk to her in person.